St. John (Barners) Lutheran Church
Call Us at (717) 444-3834

The little church  with the BIG HEART!

                      You're invited

Updated 4-14-24




Verses for the week

M-Acts 10: 1-15

T-Isaiah 42: 1-12

W-Malachi 1: 10-14

Th-Colossians 3: 1-11

F-Zechariah 8: 18-23

St-Luke 3: 1-14

S-Luke 7: 1-10






































































































May 5-Mother's Day Meal

June 15-Barner Reunion

June 16-Father's Day Breakfast-8am


Mission Statement:

St.John(Barners) Lutheran Church is an inclusive fellowship gathered for worship and Christian Service in the community of Liverpool and environs.
We are part of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church as expressed by the Lutheran Faith.

Office Hours:TBD                 9am service is available online on youtube as well as facebook (barnersbunch)

Church service-9am 4.14.24

Congregational Appreciation Brunch-after service


Spring clean-up-9am
